Tuesday, May 30, 2006

waiting for Anna, Megan, and Erin


Anonymous said...

Just think of all the smashing pictures you would've missed out on, had we been on time!

And for the record, it was all Solon's fault.

Anonymous said...

I'd be delighted!

See, Solon was one of the founding fathers of democracy. Democracy means that majority rules. Majority ruled that the city of Solon (pure coincidence) needs a Target. Target means pipe issues. Pipe issues result in screwed up roads. Screwed up roads make it hard for cars to get anywhere. Cars not getting anywhere made us late!

Anonymous said...

Wow... such dextrus twists of logic! It's truely astounding to behold. Who would ever have guess that you could reach such a colclusion from such a premise, and yet it has been done before our very eyes!... amazing *shakes head in wonder*

Little Drummer Boy said...

Sooo, what if the pipe issues get settled with minimal road trouble? Aanndd, suppose the pipes were really old and needed to be replaced to prevent a massive explosion of sewage onto the poor unsuspecting people on the road and into innocent people's basements? Would the money saved from prevention of large amounts of lawsuits against the city, that would assuredly increase the costs of running the city (never a good thing), because of property damage be worth the small cost of a two minute delay on the roads? Hmm....was it *really* Solon's fault?.... *VBG*

Anonymous said...

Well in this case I didn't use the common published definition for 'fault' (Responsibility for a mistake or an offense). I made up my own (Responsibility for making us late).
Now you may say, "It can't be ALL Solon's _____(insert whatever word you would've had me use), you could have left earlier!"
You would be correct. We could've, but we didn't because a certain someone decided to take a shower in the middle of the afternoon. And it would've been rude to leave without this certain someone.

And also for the record - You can't be 40 mintues late because of a "2 minute delay".